August's Offers - See Which Projects Are Now Available With 10% Off!
August's Offers - See Which Projects Are Now Available With 10% Off!

August's Offers - See Which Projects Are Now Available With 10% Off!

Carnivore Conservation and Research

Carnivore Conservation and Research

Carnivore Conservation and Research in Kanaan

Carnivore Conservation and Research in Kanaan

16 Nights from $1,632.00

Assist the team with data collection to help with research on carnivore species in the stunning Kanaan Region of Namibia.

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SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

In an heartening relocation operation, Tonga Terre d’Accueil and SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve have partnered to transfer two lions from a French circus and four servals from illegal trafficking to South Africa. Circus lions Massai and Kyara, who spent 13 years in captivity, and the servals will experience the freedom of their African homeland for the first time!

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The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation project has evolved! In addition to its incredible wildlife-focused activities, the project now offers new community-focused initiatives that align with its mission of building conservation through community involvement.

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My Namibian Experience As A Mature Volunteer

My Namibian Experience As A Mature Volunteer

Barbara recently joined the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary as a mature volunteer. Read today's blog to find out what she got up to during her time on the project including the highlights of her experience, up-close interactions with wildlife, and top tips for future volunteers.

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Posted by Leanne Sturrock on 1st Aug 2017 2 mins

Can you believe it? We’re now three quarters through the year, and what a year it’s been! Our volunteers have had some incredible experiences while visiting a number of different project and, over the past 7 months, they’ve made some real differences to the lives of our planet’s endangered animals.

But, there is still more to be done. As we move towards the final quarter of 2017, we need to make sure that each of our animal friends get the support and assistance that they so desperately need – which is why we’re happy to announce yet another 10% discount on three very exciting projects!

This month, we’ll be taking a look at awesome Africa - more specifically, we're inviting you to head to Namibia. This African country is home to one of our most well-loved projects, but did you know that you can take part on a volunteer experience at either of their research sites, too? We’re now offering volunteer opportunities at both Neuras and Kanaan, allowing you to take part in big cat conservation in the stunning Namibian desert. Leopards, cheetahs, and lions all await your assistance, and by taking part in carnivore monitoring, game counts and feeding activities, you will experience a side to Namibia that you’ve never seen before.

Big cats in Namibia

Get up close and personal with some spectacular wildlife species, taking part in all manner of on-site activities (such as maintenance, security and camera trapping), as well as finding the time to get involved with some awesome extra-curricular activities too! There are some excellent hiking trails to be found at Kanaan, and Neuras is home to a beautiful vineyard…so why not dabble in a little bit of wine making? No matter which project you choose, you’re sure to have a fantastic time during your 16-night stay…and with 10% off, why not get involved now?

If you’d like to help the big cats in either Neuras or Kanaan, just follow the links to our project pages! Just remember: while these projects are available with 10% off for dates until December, the offer is subject to availability. Once the spaces on these trips are gone, they’re gone – so be quick!

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