A Picture Update From The Rhino And Elephant Conservation Project!
A Picture Update From The Rhino And Elephant Conservation Project!

A Picture Update From The Rhino And Elephant Conservation Project!

Rhino and Elephant Conservation Project

Rhino and Elephant Conservation Project

7 - 84 Nights from $1,119.00

Volunteer with rhinos and elephants in Zimbabwe on this amazing conservation project!

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The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation project has evolved! In addition to its incredible wildlife-focused activities, the project now offers new community-focused initiatives that align with its mission of building conservation through community involvement.

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David's Journey as a Return Volunteer in Africa and Sri Lanka!

David's Journey as a Return Volunteer in Africa and Sri Lanka!

Return volunteer David Pratt has joined the Kariega 'Big 5' Conservation Project in Africa and The Great Elephant Project in Sri Lanka and has shared his amazing experiences. From memorable wildlife encounters to valuable tips for future volunteers, find out more about his journey in today's blog.

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 Alert: Launch of New Rhino Rescue Project!

Alert: Launch of New Rhino Rescue Project!

We have just launched an incredible new project in South Africa: The Great Rhino Rescue Mission! Join this project and you’ll have the unique opportunity to help with a critical rescue mission to save rhinos and relocate them to the safety of the vast SanWild reserve. Are you ready for an unparalleled rescue adventure for a highly endangered species?

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Posted by Michael Starbuck on 13th Dec 2017 2 mins

We love receiving updates from all of our projects, and we have just been sent a host of images from our newest project, the Rhino and Elephant Conservation Project over in Zimbabwe! Volunteers have well and truly been getting stuck in over the last month, so lets take a look at what they have been doing! First up it's bush skills....

Bush Skills in Zimbabwe

On this project volunteers have the chance to not only aid animal conservation, but also to learn a number of important bush skills including starting a fire!


Volunteer fishing

Fishing is another useful skill to have when out in the bush, and the patience clearly paid off for this volunteer!


Volunteer Campout in Zimbabwe

The culmination of learning all of these bush skills is a camp out beneath the stars. There is nothing quite like an African nighttime sky so this is an experience volunteers never forget.

Volunteer in Zimbabwe with a giraffe

Of course there was the chance to meet some of the local wildlife too! We're not sure who is happier to be in this picture, the giraffe or the volunteer!


Volunteer Built Eco-Greenhouse

Volunteers have been helping to build a greenhouse at the project site too, and as you can see things are going well! The aim of this greenhouse is to enable the project to become more self-sustainable and grow fresh fruit and vegetables for the volunteers to enjoy.

Cultural Exchange in Zimbabwe

The Shona cultural evenings are always an extremely popular event on this project, and this is where volunteers get the chance to learn more about the Shona culture of the local people. Members of the community come in to cook and converse with the volunteers, and more often than not this night results in a lot of dancing (not all of it good) and happy memories!

We can't wait to see what 2018 holds for the team on the Rhino and Elephant Conservation Project, so keep your eyes peeled for any future updates!

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