Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary's Roaring Success At TimBila
Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary's Roaring Success At TimBila

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary's Roaring Success At TimBila

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

14 - 84 Nights from $1,369.00

Experience hands-on volunteering in Africa in the heart of the beautiful Namibian wilderness!

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Posted by Georgia Wilson on 11th Feb 2022 2 mins

Meet Tim and Sara,

These two young lions were rescued as cubs by the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary in May 2020. Their mother was tragically shot, owing to human-wildlife conflict in Namibia’s Anabeb Conservancy. Devastatingly, the cubs lost a sibling, presumably dying of starvation due to losing a mother figure at such a young age. Tim and Sara were orphaned, missing a sibling, and on the brink of starvation themselves when the team reached them at the time of life-saving relocation, safely transporting the emaciated cats to their new home, TimBila Nature Reserve – the place of second chances.

Before and After - Tim at TimBila

Tim above, pictured before and after, was almost at certain death upon arrival. Both cats have spent much of their time in rehabilitative bomas, gaining vital weight and improving their health which has been a roaring success.

Last week, Tim and Sara stepped out of their bomas and embraced their full freedom. The 30,000-hectare reserve is now free for the roaming!

Tim and Sara - TimBila Nature Reserve

The TimBila Nature Reserve acquired by the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary has a bright conservational future ahead! So far, the reserve is home to lions and wild dogs rescued from conflict areas, and recently white rhinos have also been released here with a dedicated anti-poaching team keeping watch. The TimBila team are also busy prepping for the future introduction of elephants to the area!

TimBila Nature Reserve

So, if you are planning on volunteering at the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary, you may want to consider swapping a week at the sanctuary for a week at TimBila. Here, you’ll help monitor the likes of Tim and Sara alongside other relocated conflict carnivores. Volunteers track the carnivores using GPS and spoor methods and collect and analyse camera trap data that aids the team’s research. This research will allow for future wildlife introductions, and who knows, you may even participate in wildlife releases here yourself!

Head over to the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary page to find out more, and just to let you know – the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary is on offer this month with 15% off 2022 and 2023 dates when you secure your place by February 28th.

All photo credits: Tim Rossignol

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