Bewitching Big Cats - Get To Know The Stars Of Our New Project!
Bewitching Big Cats - Get To Know The Stars Of Our New Project!

Bewitching Big Cats - Get To Know The Stars Of Our New Project!

White Lion Conservation Project

White Lion Conservation Project

SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve Rescues Circus Lions

In an heartening relocation operation, Tonga Terre d’Accueil and SanWild Sanctuary & Reserve have partnered to transfer two lions from a French circus and four servals from illegal trafficking to South Africa. Circus lions Massai and Kyara, who spent 13 years in captivity, and the servals will experience the freedom of their African homeland for the first time!

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The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation Project has evolved!

The Kariega ‘Big 5’ Conservation project has evolved! In addition to its incredible wildlife-focused activities, the project now offers new community-focused initiatives that align with its mission of building conservation through community involvement.

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My Namibian Experience As A Mature Volunteer

My Namibian Experience As A Mature Volunteer

Barbara recently joined the Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary as a mature volunteer. Read today's blog to find out what she got up to during her time on the project including the highlights of her experience, up-close interactions with wildlife, and top tips for future volunteers.

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Posted by Leanne Sturrock on 23rd Sep 2016 2 mins

So as you're no doubt aware by now, we've recently launched our brand new white lion project and, man, we're excited about it! As one of the most beautiful and regal animals on the planet, these bewitching big cats have duly earned their place in the hearts of many. And since they're already our focus this month, what excuse is there not to gush over them a little more!? Join us in appreciating these alluring animals, before heading on over to our project page and signing on to meet them, too.

Check out these modelesque headshots! We think that, together, these two would be the toast of the tribe.

That said, this perfect pair would give them a good run for their money...

And when it comes to cuteness, this little cub would definitely be top of the chain!

Although, can you get much sweeter than a little lion learning how to do grown-up tasks like hunting? This guy looks like he's (almost) ready to pounce!

And it's a good job he's taking everything he's learnt on board, because it seems mum and dad have called it a day...

And his sibling sure seem to be pre-occupied with lazing about, too!

Don't worry, little lion cub. You'll be the pride of the, erm, pride one day.

You'll be as noble as your dad...

And as mighty as your mum...

That is, if they stop snoozing around for two minutes and teach you all that there is to know!

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