Which Animals Could I See On The Orangutan And Pygmy Elephant Project?
Which Animals Could I See On The Orangutan And Pygmy Elephant Project?

Which Animals Could I See On The Orangutan And Pygmy Elephant Project?

The Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project

The Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project

11 Nights from $1,807.00

Help to restore Borneo’s rainforest and provide a safe home for wild orangutans and pygmy elephants.

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The Impact of Volunteering: How You Can Make a Difference for Elephants

The Impact of Volunteering: How You Can Make a Difference for Elephants

World Elephant Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting and caring for the world's largest land mammals. It's a day to celebrate these majestic creatures and draw attention to the numerous challenges they face. In this blog, we highlight the plight of elephants and explore ways you can volunteer to make a positive impact on their conservation.

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Orangutan Jeffrey moves to the new island at Samboja!

Orangutan Jeffrey moves to the new island at Samboja!

Over the last few months, the volunteers have worked closely with the local staff to help the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation prepare and renovate the new island at Samboja Lestari. The new island is now ready for orangutans Jeffrey and Yuyun to call home! This incredible achievement showcases the power of teamwork.

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Dawn's Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Adventure

Dawn's Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Adventure

Volunteer Dawn McIntyre has recently returned from The Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project in Borneo and has shared her experience and unforgettable memories. From amazing wildlife encounters to rewarding activities, Dawn emphasises her adventure was nothing short of amazing!

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 2nd Mar 2017 4 mins

Based in the Lower Kinabatangan Floodplain, deep in the Rainforests of Sabah, the Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project gives volunteers the chance to truly become immersed in this regions spectacular wildlife. The wildlife on this project is like no other, and that is why we wanted to take a closer look into which wildlife you could be able to see if you become a volunteer on this project. Let's take a look.

The Orangutans

Borneo Orangutan

As a volunteer on this project, your chances of seeing orangutans during your river surveys and rainforests treks are quite high. Please bear in mind that they are wild animals and it is not guaranteedthough! Orangutans are arboreal animals and they spend the vast majority of their time up in trees, but they can often be found down on the banks of the river looking for food and water and this is where you will be most likely to spot the great apes. On average you will see the orangutans one time every four river surveys, so all that is left for you to do is keep your eyes peeled and bring your camera with you!

The Pygmy Elephants

Pygmy Elephant In Borneo

Pygmy Elephants are coming under increasing pressure from deforestation in the local area, and as a result of this they are a rare spot even in their native home. These giants of the jungle have a migratory pattern which means that they appear in the area the project works in infrequently, but when they are in the area you will be able to spot them almost daily when taking part in the river surveys. Your efforts as a volunteer on this project means that you will be part of a team which will be helping to replant trees in the areas they are needed, and this in turn means that the pygmy elephants will have more room to roam and reproduce!

The Bird Life

Storm Stork Borneo

Over 200 species of bird can be found in the lower Kinabatangan River region and you may well be able to spot a large percentage of the species on your trip, but only if you keep your eyes well and truly peeled! Some of the most spectacular bird species that can be found here include the Serpent Eagle, Brahminy Kites, and the highly sought after Storm's Stork! If you are into bird life then you will be in paradise on the Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project!

The Monkeys

Proboscis Monkey Borneo

As you would well imagine, a project which is set as deep in the rainforest as this one will be home to a certain amount of primate based wildlife. There are many monkey species to be found in this region, and some of the most well-known include both the short and long tailed macaques, and the famously unique looking proboscis monkeys. Whilst the orangutans may be the main focus here, they are certainly not the only primates you should be looking out for.

The Reptiles

Monitor Lizard

With so many sources of prey to be found here, it is only logical that there will be a large number of predators trying to take advantage of this situation and that is definitely the case with the reptiles that call this area home! The most commonly encountered reptiles on the project are the water monitor lizards, a variety of snake species, and of course the ancient crocodiles which patrol the waters of the river looking for their next meal. Seeing animals with such power is always a memorable experience, so be sure to watch out as you may get the chance to witness something few others ever have if one of these incredible creatures gets hungry!

The amount of wildlife found on this project is so vast and varied that you would have to come back for many years to see it all, but as a volunteer on the Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project you will be best placed to see a huge chunk of the incredible ecosystem found here!

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