Shark Week 2017 - Why These Misunderstood Marine Creatures Need Our Help
Shark Week 2017 - Why These Misunderstood Marine Creatures Need Our Help

Shark Week 2017 - Why These Misunderstood Marine Creatures Need Our Help

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Is Discovery Channel's 'Shark Week' Doing More Harm Than Good?

Is Discovery Channel's 'Shark Week' Doing More Harm Than Good?

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Posted by Phoebe Codling on 23rd Jul 2017 2 mins

The 23rd of July marks the beginning of Shark Week, and after almost 30 years of being on air (courtesy of the Discovery Channel), interest in what this week actually means seems to have hit its peak.

So, what is Shark Week? Other than being a staple of nature-tv programming (and an excuse for Michael Phelps to 'race' a shark, this year at least), the next seven days of scheduling are set out with the intention to show us just how scary sharks are. Look at those teeth! Those beady little eyes! According to what the television tells us, sharks are terrifying - why else would the Discovery Channel broadcast shows such as 'Great White Shark Serial Killer Lives' and 'Great Hammerhead Invasion?'

The truth is, the rhetoric of sharks being vicious predators has worn thin, and we at The Great Projects would like to stand in defence of the animals - did you know that, in 2016, there were only four shark-related deaths? Tragic as these incidents may be, we are being lead to believe that sharks are the enemy. It simply is not true. And, with that in mind, we've put together an awesome infographic which explains why sharks deserve our respect, not our revulsion. Check it out, and maybe even head to our project pages to see how you can help these misunderstood creatures!

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