Our Easter Sunday Top 5 Cute Baby Animals!
Our Easter Sunday Top 5 Cute Baby Animals!

Our Easter Sunday Top 5 Cute Baby Animals!

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

14 - 84 Nights from $1,369.00

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Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Sanctuary May Update

Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Sanctuary May Update

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Halloween At The Samboja Lestari Orangutan Volunteer Project!

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International Polar Bear Day - See How You Could Make A Difference

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 27th Mar 2016 2 mins

As it is Easter Sunday we thought that there was only really one blog we could post. We never really need an excuse to, but todays post is going to be all about our favourite adorable baby animals! In celebration of the holiday which is normally associated with newborns (and eggs but we didn’t think that would have been as interesting,) we are proud to present the countdown of our top 5 adorable baby animals:

5. The Leggy Moose

Baby Moose

Now he may not be conventionally cute with legs as long as tree trunks, but there is definitely something about his stride that makes him warrant his place on the list.

4. The Shy Elephant

Baby Elephant

It’s tough being that adorable so sometimes it is best just to hide behind mum.

3. The Terrifying Tiger

Baby Tiger

Ok, so less terrifying and more timid at this size but this tiny tiger warrants third place on the list.

2. The Bear Brothers

Baby Bears

What’s cuter than one baby bear I hear you ask? Well here, have two of the adorable piles of fluff.

1. The Lovable Leopard

Baby Leopard

If you try to tell me this isn’t the cutest animal you’ve ever seen then I am afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree. Just look at that little face!

All of these animals are cute, but if you think you’ve found a cuter one then let us know!

If you want to see and volunteer with animals then take a look at our projects and help make a difference to the lives of animals all around the world?

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julia earhart bachand commented 8 months ago
baby axalotow

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