Earth Day 2016 - 15 Billion Trees Cut Down Every Year?
Earth Day 2016 - 15 Billion Trees Cut Down Every Year?

Earth Day 2016 - 15 Billion Trees Cut Down Every Year?

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 22nd Apr 2016 2 mins

Earth Day is an annual event which is celebrated worldwide on the 22nd April. On this day special events take place all around the world in an attempt to demonstrate support for environmental protection efforts. Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has grown and is now celebrated in over 192 countries worldwide.

Earth Day 2016

This year’s Earth Day is focussing on the urgent need to plant new trees and forests worldwide. With anywhere up to 15 billion trees being cut down each year, something drastically needs to change to prevent this already bad situation from getting any worse. This is where the Earth Day Network hopes to step in. They have pledged to plant 7.8 billion trees worldwide, which is one for every person on Earth, in an attempt to curtail the alarming deforestation trend that has escalated over recent years.

Whilst it may be an ambitious aim, if everyone helps then it suddenly becomes a lot more achievable. You can help by planting a tree in your garden, or if that is not plausible then by doing something as small and simple as picking up some litter on your way to work. Earth Day is all about people coming together to collectively make a difference. If everyone helps then the task becomes a lot easier, so what will you be doing to celebrate Earth Day this year?

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