Todays featured project is in Raja Ampat, and in celebration of that fact we want to bring you some more information about one of the animals you will be working with on the project! Turtles are one of the most iconic animals in the world, and when you think of lapping waves and sandy beaches chances are you also think of a turtle! Here are our top five turtle facts!
What do turtles eat?
There is not one blanket diet for the different species of turtles. Their diets vary from soft sea life such as sponges and jellyfish through to shellfish for those with stronger jaws, but the variation doesn’t even end there! The Green turtle is a herbivore so it eats no meat. They feed on algae and are an important part of coral maintenance. The diet of a turtle is a confusing one!
Types of Turtles (Turtle Species)
There are seven different types of turtle. There is the; Leatherback Turtle, Green Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle, the Hawksbill Turtle, the Kemp Ridley and Olive Ridley Turtles and the Flat Back Sea Turtle!
How long do turtles live?
Turtles can outlive humans by a considerable distance, and have often been known to live up to 150 years!
Where can you see turtles in the wild?
Turtles are found all over the world, with the only condition for a population of these ancient animals is for the water to be warm and temperate! Most turtles have huge migration between their nesting and feeding grounds with some travelling up to 1400 miles!
Are sea turtles endangered?
Almost all species of sea turtle are endangered and it is as a result of human interference. Poaching of their eggs, hunting them for their shells, and getting caught up in fishing lines are all huge problems to the turtle populations and something needs to be done to stem the tide.
If you want to help the plight of the turtle then you can become a volunteer and do just that. Take a look at how you can help here!