Top 8 Unphotogenic Animals
Top 8 Unphotogenic Animals

Top 8 Unphotogenic Animals

Posted by Connor Whelan on 14th Aug 2015 2 mins

Now, as I'm sure you all know, everyone here at the Great Projects loves all animals. However, some of them lend themselves to photographs more than others. Here is our top 8 list of unfortunately unphotogenic animals!

8. This Startled Bat

This is where three-quarters of my nightmares for the next year will come from. Creepy little bat.

7. This Angry Vulture

If my face looked like that I would be angry as well.

6. This Moody Warthog

He even did his hair for this picture, but it hasn't worked. At all.

5. This Grinning Monkey

Everyone knows someone who tries to smile and fails. This is that guy.

4. This Smug Walrus

He's so much bigger than me. Not making any sarcastic comments here.

3. This Evil Hyena

This photo is of an innocent yawn, and we can all agree that nobody looks good when caught yawning, but he's managed to take it to a new level. Absolutely terrifying.

2. This Camera Hating Seal

If I had that many double chins I'd look just as disappointed as this little fellow does. The potential for cute was endless here if it wasn't for the evil camera angle!

1. This Joker of a Gorilla

Laughing in a photo can normally go one of two ways. Cute or awfully. This chap has somehow managed to combine both. Shame he was laughing at his own joke though.

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