Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month!
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month!

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month!

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

Namibia Wildlife Sanctuary

14 - 84 Nights from $1,369.00

Experience hands-on volunteering in Africa in the heart of the beautiful Namibian wilderness!

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 14th Apr 2016 2 mins

April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month and every year the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals urges its supports both in country and worldwide to stand up and take notice.

The animal cruelty that occurs on a regular basis all around the world should be at the forefront of people’s minds all of the time, but by dedicating a month to raising awareness of these issues the ASPCA manages to bring a lot more attention to them.

Prevention of Animal Cruelty

It is a sad fact but there is still plenty of animal abuse and neglect that regularly occurs in today’s world. It happens in countries all over the globe, whether it is an orangutan being kept as a pet in terrible conditions in Borneo, a lion bred specifically for hunting in Africa, or even a Greyhound being abandoned after it has finished racing in the UK or USA.

Animal cruelty is a global problem and therefore the solution needs to be global too, but there are things you can do to help on an individual level. Something as simple as keeping an eye on the pets in your local area and reporting anything suspicious can help. If you are looking to get a new cat or dog then visit your local shelter instead of a seller, and if you travel to an exotic country simply checking the provenance of any animals related activities you take part in can help a lot.

This month presents a good chance to get the ball rolling and get everybody talking about animal cruelty, so please think about how you can help. The animals can’t do it on their own!

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