Orangutan Awareness Week 2017 - A Volunteer Poem To Celebrate The Team At Samboja!
Orangutan Awareness Week 2017 - A Volunteer Poem To Celebrate The Team At Samboja!

Orangutan Awareness Week 2017 - A Volunteer Poem To Celebrate The Team At Samboja!

Samboja Lestari Orangutan Volunteer Project

Samboja Lestari Orangutan Volunteer Project

12 - 26 Nights from $1,869.00

Work on enrichment for 112 orangutans and 72 sun bears at the world-renowned Samboja Lestari Rescue Centre

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Posted by Michael Starbuck on 13th Nov 2017 2 mins

We love it when our volunteers are creative in their ways to aid animal conservation, and this is most certainly the case with Tony, a volunteer who helped out at the Samboja Lestari Orangutan Project earlier this year. After his experience with the orangutans Tony sat down to pen his poem "Remember Me" which is all about the plight of these beautiful animals. To celebrate Orangutan Awareness Week 2017 we wanted to share the poem with you, alongside some of Tony's amazing pictures so we'll let Tony take it from here!

Remember Me - Tony Buckle

It was good to meet you, but now you’ve gone

I hope you’ll remember what went wrong

In my life, when I was snatched

From a caring Mum and then dispatched

Orangutan mother and baby

To a horrible place and kept in a cage,

Where they called me a pet and ignored my rage.

I hope you’ll remember to tell everyone

How my days of misery were begun,

With a chain round my neck and little to eat

Unable to swing by my hands and my feet.

Beaten, deprived, starved of love and affection

Vulnerable to every infection.

There are many. of which I am one

Of my tribe, who could not run

When our World came crashing down.

Orangutan at Samboja Lestari in Borneo

Destroyed by humans from a nearby town.

Then one day my life improved

At Samboja to where I was moved.

In the nursery I could play all day

Baby orangutan at Samboja Lestari

And when it got dark had a mum who would stay

To keep me company all night long.

I was well fed so I grew strong.

I made new friends of my own kind

But was sad for those whom I’d left behind.

When I started Forest School

Learning to climb trees was really cool.

All day long we would climb and swing

Until it got dusk and our mums would bring

Bananas and melons to bribe us back home,

But I long for the days when I’ll be free to roam.

I’ve come a long way since my mother was shot

But thanks to Samboja I’ve been helped a lot

Young orangutan in Borneo

By carers, vets and volunteers

Who’ve looked after me for several years.

So thank you for coming, but keep me in mind


By remembering me to all Mankind.

All credit for the images and poem goes to Tony Buckle.

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