Didik The Orphaned Orangutan - Update From IAR!
Didik The Orphaned Orangutan - Update From IAR!

Didik The Orphaned Orangutan - Update From IAR!

IAR Orangutan Project

IAR Orangutan Project

Orangutan Jeffrey moves to the new island at Samboja!

Orangutan Jeffrey moves to the new island at Samboja!

Over the last few months, the volunteers have worked closely with the local staff to help the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation prepare and renovate the new island at Samboja Lestari. The new island is now ready for orangutans Jeffrey and Yuyun to call home! This incredible achievement showcases the power of teamwork.

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Dawn's Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Adventure

Dawn's Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Adventure

Volunteer Dawn McIntyre has recently returned from The Great Orangutan and Pygmy Elephant Project in Borneo and has shared her experience and unforgettable memories. From amazing wildlife encounters to rewarding activities, Dawn emphasises her adventure was nothing short of amazing!

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Volunteer’s Achievements at Samboja This Month

Volunteer’s Achievements at Samboja This Month

This month, volunteers at the Samboja Lestari Orangutan Project have made some incredible achievements! They’ve renovated a platform for Fleur, the sun bear, and made significant strides in renovating the new orangutan island, where Jeffrey and Yuyun will soon make their new home.

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Posted by Connor Whelan on 6th Jul 2016 2 mins

After bringing you the heart-breaking story of Didik the orphaned baby orangutan just two days ago, we can now bring you a positive update on the progress of the young ape.

After being rescued and taken to the IAR orangutan centre, Didik was immediately quarantined to give the vets the chance to cure his illnesses. He was thin, malnourished, and did not know how to eat as his mother was cruelly taken away from him before he could be taught.

Fortunately, through a bit of ingenuity from the vets at the centre, Didik is now fed a mixture of baby porridge and banana through a syringe and he is beginning to put on some weight. The baby orangutan is still unable to open his mouth on his own, but his healthy appetite bodes well for the rehabilitation process.

Baby orangutan eating

It will be a few weeks before Didik is taken from quarantine and into the orangutan pre-school as the veterinary staff at the centre need to ensure that he is completely cured and will not spread disease to the other baby orangutans.

Once he is allowed to join his fellow orangutans he will then be able to begin his rehabilitation programme and hopefully one day be released back into the wild! Good luck Didik!

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