Tiger Tours

Tiger Tours

Tiger Tours

To many people, tigers are not only the ultimate predator, but they are also one of the most beautiful creatures on our planet. To encounter one of these animals in their natural habitat is an incredible moment – though it is a moment that is increasingly hard to witness.

Sadly, only around 3,000 of these most majestic of predators remain in the wild today – their populations have seriously declined from the 100,000 individuals which roamed Asia around a century ago. Experts argue that since the turn of the 20th Century, we have lost 97% of the planet's wild tiger populations. Devastatingly, we have already lost numerous subspecies (Bali, Caspian, Javan), and unless something drastic is done, the likelihood is that these beautiful animals will soon be wiped off the face of our planet forever.

Responsible tiger tours are the best way to view tigers in their natural habitat, and by doing so you will be supporting the conservation of the world's largest big cat. Our tiger tours take place in the midst of lush and vast jungles, for example, the picture perfect setting of Kanha National Park, the inspiration for 'The Jungle Book'. Tigers need our help, as apex predators, they are vital components of the ecosystem, and joining a fascinating tiger tour will support efforts to try and preserve this magnificent species. 

Tiger Tours

Projects Do More

12 Nights from $3,619.00

Visit the fabled Kanha National Park: home to a stunning array of wildlife, including leopards, wild dogs, and of course the famous Bengal tiger.

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Tiger Tours Information

Tigers At A Glance

Endangered Status
Endangered Status


Numbers Remaining
Number remaining in the wild

Around 3,890

Endemic Region
Endemic Region
